3 Common Themes

Intellectual Property of Artists

    Something I found similar to another student was the concern of intellectual property related to artificial intelligence generating art, especially creating art after being trained on particular artists' unique styles. As Julia discusses, I would also feel pretty disheartened if my own art style were to be stolen and used for commercial purposes, especially with no credit back to me.

Challenges with Different Languages/Software

    As Blain mentions, I also agree that having to take a large variety of courses can be challenging, especially since most of the time, each course requires a particular coding language or program that none of the other courses I am taking within a semester are using. Switching between the syntax of a couple of different languages can be very confusing, and sometimes a bit frustrating. Additionally, the thought of being able to select our own course project was very appealing to me, and I noticed that a handful of other students felt the same way.

Shorter Form Media

    While I did not highlight this topic in the previous assignment, something I noticed a couple of different people discussing, including Uma, that I found particularly interesting is the topic of short form media like TikTok. These fast paced type of media, in combination to everything that went on during the pandemic, has definitely affected a lot of people that I know, and myself included, in terms of how our attention span has changed to become shorter and even I, who once used to love reading books and even long story in games, have been finding it increasingly difficult for me to focus. I used to spend hours playing games with long narratives, but have found myself nowhere near as interested as I used to be because the dialogue to read is so long, and it definitely has to do with the fact that I just can't focus on reading like I used to.


    I personally don't think I would revise the media heirarchy that I made in the previous assignment, except for maybe just adding in more specific examples, however, I would definitely add the issue about short form media being the cause for shorter attention spans. It's an interesting topic and it is something that does personally affect me, so it's something that should definitely be talked about!